Hello Sketchbugs,
Happy November! I wanted to recount the only October book event at the lovely Children’s Book World in Haverford, PA. This post will not be a big read like the last one. So strap in, smell the crisp leaves in the air and enjoy my recounting of events with zesty sketches in between!
Oh, and please if you haven’t, rate The Book From Far Away on GOODREADS and AMAZON! Every review helps create more traction for the book and gets us closer to frog backpack!
Also, if you would like us to come to your local bookstore/ school email me mail@juliebenbassat.com so we can get the ball rolling for 2024! We would love to visit you!
And if you’re a bookstore on the East Coast who wants some alien decorations for a period, the Books of Wonder set up came down last weekend so I am available to decorate a new store!
On a sunny October 8th, we had an event at Children’s Book World around 1pm. Bruce and I were lucky enough to have the much beloved 3 time Caldecott winner, author, illustrator, wordless picture book master, David Wiesner with us as a guest speaker. Here is the promo poster I made to promote the event on social media. Graphic design has never been my passion but these few months have been a great test of my type and design sensibilities.
The turn out was modest, which David rightly predicted. (I guess when you are in the industry this long, you get used to the ebb and flow of event turnout) Also, we were in the middle of kid sports season and wedding season so it was no surprise. Although the turnout was on the smaller side, it was a fun and intimate experience where we could take our time reading the book and answer questions from illustrators and authors in the audience. Compared to some of the bigger turn outs I experienced before, this one provided us the time to really delve deep into what makes this book special. There was also a wonderful family with a 3 year old girl who stayed the entire time, even into the questions phase. Seeing her look of wonder at the illustrations and her parents asking so many questions made my heart sing. I could see Bruce felt the same.

And because the turn out wasn’t too crazy we were able to have David talk about his process in making children’s books. While he is a LEGEND, he is also a very sweet and generous man who shared his time and own art process with incredible zeal. You can see more info about his books HERE!

Bruce and I were sitting eagerly while he talked, savoring every word he said. It’s not everyday you get to hear a master explain his process. Plus, we got some signed books from him too, so woohoo!

After all was said and done, the event wrapped up and we all headed home. It felt almost bittersweet but overall a great time. What I’ve learned from all these events is:
Promotion is key!
Come prepared with activities/ things for people to look at.
No matter what number, any person who comes to the event is taking time out of their day to look at your book. So pat yourself on the back!
The third lesson has been a crucial thought going into every event. I expected no one to show up at most of the events because of my anxiety and fear of being a newbie in the publishing industry. I was lucky to have that not happen so far, but it’s a realistic expectation if you consider how busy people are these days and how niche a wordless picture book looks in comparison to other children’s picture books.
Overall, due to constant promotion on social media and some really solid friends, these anxieties have not been met yet. And even if they are met one day, I’ll tell myself that it’s just life and not on the onus of the book’s quality. Making art and promoting it can be a very personal experience and it’s hard not to take audience turn out, likes, ratings, and the market numbers as indications of failing as an artist. But we keep persevering!
Nevertheless, it’s also important to see the success that comes your way as well. This gives me great joy to segue into some other news!
The Book From Far Away has been featured in both the New York Times and Illustoria Magazine, the premier magazine for creative kids and their grown ups! Check out the feature in their most current issue, Invention along with a little comic I did on cool animal innovations! You can purchase the current issue HERE

The Book From Far Away made it into the Society of Illustrator’s Original Art Show! So if you’re in NYC on November 9th for the Show reception, I will see you there! Who knows, you might even get a special postcard!
And if you’re in the Philly/ Media area, Children’s Book World will be part of a Holiday Pop Up Show in the Media Community Center on November 18th, 10AM to 4PM to support the Media Upper Providence Library! I will be there signing books so stop by, get a book and support your local authors and libraries!
You might even get the chance to get some reverse mermaid stickers!
My friend Jean Wei has some really cool COMICS and MERCH that will knock your socks off! Get them while they’re hot!
I really love fellow substacker
‘s newsletter . She recently made a new video showing her process. There is an exquisite frog you all must see.Fellow substacker
wrote an eloquent piece on the rest, sickness and disappointment on her newsletter . It was so well written and too relatable.
The past few months have been….a lot. I am not a diplomat nor a political analyst (just a Jewish, Chinese American illustrator living in the US) so I am by no means a source of news.
But, I can say that along with the disastrous events inflicted onto the Israeli people on October 7th and the devastating bombs pummeling the Palestinian people in Gaza, there has been a rise in both Antisemitism and Islamophobia across the world. If you have any Jewish or Muslim friends I highly recommend checking in on them. They would probably appreciate it greatly.
In the Jewish faith we light candles for the dead.
….There are not enough candles for what is happening right now.